Rows of beautiful islands float in a bay protected ocean named Tomini. Area is a transition zone Wallace and Weber imaginary lines that offer natural wonders that not to be missed. Get ready to savor the grandeur Celebes more direct place and see one of the tribes resided ocean dwellers, that Bajoe.
Yes, this is Togean Islands, a national park with two areas of ocean ecosystems form onshore area of 292 000 hectares and 70,000 hectares in Central Sulawesi. Remote location away from the hustle and bustle of life thus become alluring charm connoisseur and diverse natural landscape beauty sea biota.
The archipelago is a cluster of small islands across the center of the Gulf of Tomini. There's 60 islands here. Some are distinguished Malenge Island, Pulau Una Una, Batudaka, Talatakoh, Waleakodi, and Waleabahi Island are islands besarnya.Di Togean Islands you can see a stretch of mangrove forests and seagrass beds Patai or 'Nambo' (sea grass beds) that purports to grass wide beaches and a food source dugong sea mammals. Several rare species of turtle are also here as the green turtle (Chelonia mygas) and hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbriocata) makes beautiful beaches here as a place to feed and breed.
In Togean there are about 33 types of mangrove which consists of 19 true mangrove types and 14 types of mangrove trendy. The 33 types of mangrove are grouped in 26 genera and 21 families became. This is clear in it are diverse fauna that inhabit the uniqueness of each.
Under the amazing sea you can see pilot whales, giant clams (Tridacna gigas), and lola (Trochus niloticus) fish, manta rays, gray reef sharks, and big eye trevally, and of course colorful karang.Sementara Variety coral reefs are 4 types namely coral barrier (barrier reef), coral patches (patch reef), reef edge (fringing reef), and coral ring (atoll). There are also 35 species of butterfly fish (Chaetodontidae) who live in the vicinity as well as being an indicator that coral reefs are so healthy and still alami.Bagaimana, not enough? In the deeper sea area you can find more about 262 types of coral, 596 species of fish, and 555 types of mollusks. Not unusual!
Meanwhile, in its onshore Sulawesi endemic animal life protected as tangkasi (tarsier sp), Polecat (Ailurops ursinus), deer (Cervus timorensis), and crab walnuts (Birgus latro). There are Togean monkey (Macaca togeanus) Togean lizard (Varanus Salvator togeanus) and hog deer Togean (Babyrousa babirussa togeanensis) that exist only in Togean Islands.
On the air live at least 90 species of birds, including the insured, such as smoke or alo Sulawesi (Rhyticeros cassidix) and eagles bondol (Haliastur indus).
Biological diversity and beauty has made Togean Islands designated as a national park with a decision of the Minister of Forestry (No. SK.. 8/Menhut-II/2004 41).